
Delivery confirmation receipts

Products we offer include also delivery confirmation receipts that we distribute directly in full-box quantities to our Clients. They are printed in the format of 160mm x 4” on offset paper of 140g/m2. The printing layout and the production design that we worked out was accepted by the Ministry of Finance and thereby also by Poczta Polska (Polish Post Office). The card is perforated on the left and right side along the edges creating thus 10mm stubs covered with glue that is secured with silicon tape. Once the silicon tape is removed the form can be attached to a letter/parcel. When it gets to the addressee the form – is torn off and as a receipt of 140mm x 4” size sent back to the sender. We do not provide the service as such and we do not sell the yellow version of delivery confirmation receipts to entities other than Poczta Polska.

We offer for resale two kinds of delivery confirmation receipts (depending on formal and legal requirements): for execution (based on Code of Administrative Procedure) and tax (Tax Law) purposes. Before you place an order, please, make sure which kind is required for your purposes.

There are 2000 forms per box. We accept orders only for multiples of 2000 forms, one box of 2000 forms being the minimum quantity. The cost of a box is 190,00 PLN net. Forms  are 100% prepaid based on a pro forma invoice.

We accept orders via e-mail: Please, make sure that your order includes Purchaser’s/Payer’s data (VAT in it!), address of delivery and clearly specified kind of forms you order. In response to your order you will receive a pro-forma invoice. Once it is paid we will send the ordered forms to the stated address.

Should you need any further information, please, contact us by telephone: +48 22 843 93 51.

Cost of forms:

1 box (=2000 forms) = 190,00 PLN net

Cost of delivery in Poland:

1 – 5 boxes = 34,00 PLN net
6 – 10 boxes = 53,00 PLN net
11 – 15 boxes = 71,00 PLN net
16 and more = free delivery in Poland.

Prices do not include 23% VAT.

Single-part forms

Thanks to highly-efficient roll printers we produce up to eight million A4 forms a day with printing up to eight colors (altogether on both sides) with optional UV print curing. The process of production is characterized by significant firmness of coloring and meshing. Being cut individually on a roll all forms are of identical size and all edges remain straight (compared to a stack cut with a guillotine). Such a solution has granted us recognition among numerous mailing companies that use our forms in highly efficient personalizing laser printers.

Apart from A4 forms (e.g. preprinted invoices or money orders) we also produce A5, A3 and other (with reservation to certain technological limitations) size forms including prints folded in-line while being printed.

A4 forms are always packed in boxes – up to 2500 sheets each, depending ontheirbasis weight. We optimize packing in a way that allows the highest level of products’ preservation as well as economic and free of trouble processing of forms in subsequent stages of production carried out by our Clients.

On request boxes may be furnished with OEM labels i.e. labels without our trademark.

The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet  requirements of our Clients.

Size: A4, A3 and other;

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, also with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ; algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: standard and microperforations, two and four file holes (for ring binders), non-standard die-cuts of almost unlimited choice of patterns, including an open-work patterns;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibers, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Cutting: directly from rolls during production  (no bending effect as in the case of cutting paper with a guillotine);

Folding: on-line directly on printing machines and/or separate folding machines;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels;

Packaging: prints –  formed in piles of specified volume – can be banded, wrapped with thermoshrinking foil or packed in cellophane with tear tape device ;

Preprints on rolls

Roll to roll printing is carried out with stunning speed of 600m per minute! Capabilities of our fleet of equipment allow us to undertake production of any volume. Rolls of maximum 840mm can be preprinted both sides with up to eight colors altogether, printing being optionally UV cured.

The process of production is characterized by significant stability of colors and meshing. Exact winding of rolls and fine sprocket feedholes guarantee trouble-free imprinting and subsequent processing of forms in large scale mailing operations. Appling rolls with cores of standard diameters (70, 150 and 200 mm) enables smooth makeready of personalizing machines.

Rolls we use may be of up to 1250mm diameter which results in minimizing downtime when rolls are changed. For the time when preprinted rolls are transported we place them on pallets and secure them against mechanical damage and influence of atmospheric factors.

The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet  requirements of our Clients.

Size: maximum width 840mm; maximum diameter 1250mm; core diameter 70, 150 and 200 mm

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Repeat length: we have plate cylinders of the circumferences 11”, 112/3”, 12”, 22”, 231/3”, 24”, 25”, 251/2” and 27”; this allows us to apply printing whose length  when multiplied is respectively equal to the above mentioned circumferences;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, applied optionally with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ; algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: standard and microperforations, two and four file holes (for ring binders), non-standard die-cuts of almost unlimited choice of patterns, including an open-work patterns;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibers, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels;

Fanfold paper with individualized printing

We produce high quality single and multi part fanfold paper to be imprinted in dot-matrix printers (carriage and line printers). We process dust-free offset paper (in the case of single part fanfold) and high-quality carbonless paper (in the case of multi part fanfold) applying printing and perforations with great precision. We offer a number of standard ready-made products with folds every 12” – see the table of available formats.

We produce fanfold of individualized format, printing, selected paper and perforations meeting the most untypical expectations of our Clients. Fanfold parts can be glued lengthwise or crosswise , fastened by crimp lock (a kind of prongs) or multiflex (fastening the first and the last part with a narrow self-adhesive tape threaded through sprocket feedholes). We can use different kinds of paper for particular parts of one and the same fanfold, print up to eight colors in a single machine run, deactivate copying capability of a chosen field by applying desensitizing ink or activate this capability between parts by applying carbon coating either in hot or cold-pressed technology (also in the red color). Fanfold produced to order can be furnished with numbering – including barcodes – applied either mechanically , with ink-jet or laser technology.

Computer paper is always packed in stiff cardboard boxes that prevent it from being damaged in transport and that make it easier to store paper and retain optimal conditions to guarantee its proper functioning. On request boxes may be furnished with OEM labels i.e. labels without our trademark.

The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet requirements of our Clients.

Size: maximum width 480mm; standard fanfolds every 12” and other of non-standard spread ;

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: white and color carbonless paper including self contained (SC) paper of 50 to 170g/m2; offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Repeat length: we have plate cylinders of the circumferences 11”, 112/3”, 12”, 22”, 231/3”, 24”, 25”, 251/2” and 27”; this allows us to apply printing whose length  when multiplied is respectively equal to the above mentioned circumferences ;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, also with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ; algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: implicit sprocket feedholes with  stub perforations and folding perforations every 8” or 12” and additional vertical and horizontal perforations (e.g. every 3”, 4”, 6”; microperforations, two and four file holes (for ring binders), non-standard die-cuts of almost unlimited choice of patterns, including an open-work patterns;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibres, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels;

Standard computer fanfold

We produce high quality single and multi part fanfold paper to be imprinted in dot-matrix printers (carriage  and line printers). We process dust-free offset paper (in the case of single part fanfold) and high-quality carbonless paper (in the case of multi part fanfold) applying printing and perforations with great precision. We offer a number of standard ready-made products with folds every 12” – see the table of available formats.

Our standard offer includes computer fanfold paper either blank or with “ORIGINAL/COPY” preprint suitably for every part. Thus it is optimized for financial and accounting use such as drawing up invoices, storage documents, PIT (Personal Income Tax) forms, accountancy or social insurance statements . Most of the SAP-structure programs and systems  such as Symfonia, WF-MAG, RAKS and Rewizor (registered trade names) have mechanisms supporting the use of fanfold paper printing!

Computer paper is always packed in stiff cardboard boxes that prevent it from being damaged in transport and that make it easier to store paper and retain optimal conditions to guarantee its proper functioning. In the case of large scale orders  on the Client’s request boxes may be furnished with the Client’s labels or OEM labels i.e. labels without our trademark.

Future and present distributors are invited to contact Sylwia Hoga either over the phone +48 56 49 30 566 or via e-mail:

Available formats: see the table; fanfolds every 12”;

Printing technology: offset

Paper: white and color carbonless paper of 53 to 57g/m2; offset paper of 60 and 70g/m2;

Printing: Original/Copy preprint where applicable;

Perforations: sprocket feedholes with  stub perforations and folding perforations every 12”, additionally 6” internal folding perforation  (where applicable);

Formatoffset 60g/m2offset 70g/m22-part Carbonless3-part Carbonless4-part Carbonless45-part Carbonless
150 mm x 12”Unavailable as ready-madeCC / CC+VATUnavailable as ready-madeUnavailable as ready-madeUnavailable as ready-made
210 mm x 12”WC / CC / CC+VATWC / CC / CC+VATWC / CC / KK+VATUnavailable as ready-made
240 mm x 12”WC / WC+VAT / CC / CC+VATWC / WC+VAT / CC / CC+VATWC / WC+VAT / CC / CC+VATCC / CC+VAT
240 mm x 6”Unavailable as ready-madeCC / CC+VATCC / CC+VATCC / CC+VATUnavailable as ready-made
250 mm x 12”WC / CC / CC+VATWC / CC / CC+VATCC / CC+VATUnavailable as ready-made
360 mm x 12”WC / CC / CC+VATWC / CCCCUnavailable as ready-made
375 mm x 12”WC / CC / CC+VATWC / CCCCUnavailable as ready-made
390 mm x 12”CC / CC+VATCCUnavailable as ready-madeUnavailable as ready-made
Number of sheets/sets per box:2 0002 000900600400400
WC=white copy; WC+VAT=white copy with Original/Copy preprint; CC=color copy; CC+VAT=color copy with Original/Copy preprint

Multi-part forms

A very popular type of forms used for business purposes especially in the financial sector (insurances) are multi-part forms glued in the stub. Our collators are able to fasten with glue up to eighteen parts and cutting particular sheets to a desired size simultaneously. Forms are preprinted at choice – each part up to eight colors in a single machine run, perfored and numbered in a free to choose way – including barcodes generated on the basis of an algorithm or a number base provided by Clients. Each part within a set can be made of different paper and be of different size.

We can desensitize (exclude from being copied) particular fields on carbonless paper and do the opposite i.e. furnish paper with copying properties by applying carbon coat in hot or cold-pressed technology.

Once forms are preprinted, perforated, numbered and glued they can be subsequently folded and/or banded or wrapped with thermoshrinking foil or packed in cellophane with tear tape device . Forms are always packed in boxes of individually determined capacity and precisely chosen sizes to on one hand secure them against mechanical damage and on the other fit optimally their capacity to requirements of logistics/distribution subsequently carried out first by our company and then the Client’s warehouse. Additionally, on our Client’s request each box can be secured with foil and tape to guarantee that while in transport or when stored the box content does not change. Each box is given a label with a product’s name, numbering bracket of a given box and other information required by our Clients.


The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet requirements of our Clients.

Size: maximum standard size is 635mm x 297mm (equal to 3 A4 sheet next to each other plus the gluing stub); we may produce larger forms  but beforehand it is necessary to consult us on technological capabilities

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: white and color carbonless paper including self-conained (SC) paper of 50 to 170g/m2; offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, also with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ; algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: at choice, along the stub;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibres, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels.

Brochures / Booklets

Ability to fasten together up to 18 sheets allows high volume production of information brochures (statutes, tax and energy booklets , etc.). Thanks to technology of edge gluing of A5 sheets or A4 sheets along the axis to be later folded to the A5 size we can meet even the highest volume orders at the most attractive price on the market and in the unrivalled time. Last but not least, brochures that we produce cause no trouble when being inserted to envelopes even in the case of large-scale mailing operations carried out by our Clients.

Size: A4, A5 and other ;

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, also with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ;algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: standard and microperforations, two and four file holes (for ring binders), non-standard die-cuts of almost unlimited choice of patterns, including an open-work patterns;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibers, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Fastening: gluing along the web and the edge of forms or along the axis of forms; optionally folding in half (spine as in the case of exercise book binding).

Forms glued in pads

We are also specialized in production of forms glued on-line in handy pads. They include products  as complex as multi-part forms or simple forms like money orders or well-secured fine or sick leave forms glued in pads.

First, single sheets  are collected into required sets and then glued automatically into pads of determined number of plies or sets. They are often glued (or sewed ) into a specially shaped cardboard cover that is also used as an interleave that facilitates filling forms in.

Perfect gluing is what distinguishes our products, and great processing powers of our machines enable us to carry out even the biggest orders in very short time.

Pads are packed into fitted boxes with a legible label containing all information required by our Clients (implicitly product’s name and numbering brackets). In the case of accountable forms it is possible to secure boxes against unnoticed interference while in  transport or when stored.

The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet  requirements of our Clients.

Size: standard A6, A5, A4,  and other;

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: white and color carbonless paper including self-contained (SC) paper of 50 to 170g/m2; offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, also with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ; algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: at choice, along gluing, on selected plies;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibres, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels.

PIN envelopes and other continuous mailers

We produce secured mailers (PIN envelopes, salary, bank, insurance and other statements) in the form of specially prepared computer fanfold. An envelope usually consists of 3 parts each made of different paper; the first one is to transfer information and is archived by the personalizing party (e.g. bank or employer), the other two are glued together and  confidential information inside remains secured by deflecting pattern printed on the outside in the form of sea of numbers. Depending on the applied technology information is introduced inside while an envelope is being imprinted in dot-matrix printers (carriage and line printers) either thanks to copying properties of paper or thanks to carbon coating applied at the back of the second ply. Confidential information can be read no sooner than an envelope is opened along the perforation which obviously results in visible paper damage.

In our plant we produce also PIN envelopes that are personalized in laser technology on the spot. Databases provided by our Clients are stored safely at every stage of the production process and once it is over databases are erased irretrievably to ensure maximum safety of received data . Finally, both parts of an envelope are glued together.

We always pack secured PIN envelopes in stiff cardboard boxes that prevent products from damage while in transport and that facilitate their storage in optimal conditions to guarantee their proper functioning. On request boxes may be furnished with OEM labels i.e. labels without our trademark.

The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet  requirements of our Clients.

Size: maximum width 480mm; standard fanfolds every 3”, 4”, 6”, 8”and 12” as well as other of non-standard spread ;

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: white and color carbonless paper including self-contained (SC) paper of 50 to 170g/m2; offset paper, including paper for laser printing and Preprint of enhanced whiteness of 50 to 170g/m2; paper dedicated to optical character readers (OCR); coated paper starting with LWC of 45g/m2 and ending with HWC of 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Numbering: algorithmic applied with ink-jet, laser or magnetographic method;

Application of perforations: implicitly sprocket feedholes with  stub perforations and folding perforations, also additional vertical and horizontal perforations (including microperforations) to allow envelopes’ opening;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibres, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels.

Multipart sets glued in the stub to single part fanfold

Multipart sets glued in the stub into single part fanfold are very popular among our foreign Clients for they combine high speed and precision of fanfold personalization with high degree of complexity characteristic of multipart sets. Forms (usually up to three parts) glued in the stub are then glued crosswise along the stub into single part fanfold which transports the paper through a printer and later often serves as a copy for the personalizing party. Thanks to this solution high quantities of forms (usually of A4 size) can be automatically fed to dot matrix printers without a risk that the order of forms is disturbed after they have been personalized and later, once a form is torn off, copies can be archived in the continuous form as fanfold which significantly increases safety of the stored data.

This kind of forms are used especially to provide financial and accounting statements, information coming from HR departments, logistics and shipping centers.


The above technological characteristic allows for current capabilities of our machines. Should there be such a need they can be modified to meet  requirements of our Clients.

Size: usually forms of A4 size, transporting continuous web 240mm wide with fold every 12”;

Printing technology: offset, any number of colors;

Paper: white and color carbonless paper including self-contained (SC) paper of 50 to 170g/m2;

Printing: up to 8 colors in a single machine run, including special colors e.g. paint active in UV light radiation or ink cured by UV lamps called “swelling ink”;

Numbering: mechanical (typographical) – either subsequent or with a controlling number, also with fluorescent ink; typographic imprint of barcodes ; algorithmic numbering and simultaneous generation of barcodes that can be printed with one of the following methods: ink-jet, laser or magnetographic;

Application of perforations: implicit sprocket feedholes and folding perforations on the continuous web, additional horizontal perforations along the gluing stub, other, free to choose by our Clients;

Security features: microprint (UV in it), guilloche background, relief background (sector correction), printing with paints active in UV light radiation, printing with fluorescent paints, UV active fibers, watermarks , printing with metallic paints, application of holograms provided by our Clients;

Labels: we are able to apply self-adhesive labels (e.g. piggyback labels) and produce so-called integrated labels.

Airline tickets and other

We produce different kinds of airline tickets and documents in the form of single part forms, unit sets and fanfold paper. We print them on among others thermal, offset, carbonless and self-adhesive paper of 39-175g/m2.

We produce a dozen or so kinds of tickets for numerous renowned airlines:

  • ATB (Automated Tickets)
  • Karty pokładowe (Bording Pass)
  • Flight Coupon Ticket
  • EBT (Excess Baggage Tickets)
  • MCO (Miscellaneous Charges Order)
  • MPD (Multiple Purpose Document)
  • Sticker-y (Revaliadation Sticker)
  • Bloczki FIM (Flight Interruption Manifest)
  • TAT – Cut Out
  • TAT – Fold Over
  • Listy przewozowe AWB (Air Waybills)

Thanks to creative solutions and reliable fleet of equipment our products are characterized by functionality, quality and optimal protection against counterfeit including:

  • printing on watermark paper
  • guilloche background
  • relief background
  • microprinting
  • printing with paints visible in ultraviolet light
  • printing with metallic paints
  • magnetic strip + coding
  • numbering, barcodes
  • glue secured with silicon strip
  • hot pressed carbon

Constant development, huge fleet of equipment, paper of the best quality and continuous investments in new technologies allow us to offer you wider and wider range of products and services.

Przywieszki bagażowe

Na potrzeby naszych Klientów z branży lotniczej produkujemy wszystkie możliwe typy przywieszek bagażowych wykonywanych zgodnie z wytycznymi IATA.

Przywieszki typu bag tags wykonujemy głównie ze specjalnego kompozytu będącego połączeniem papieru offsetowego oraz folii.

Wielorakość form, zastosowanie arkuszy samokopiujących, personalizacja, odpowiednie perforacje, dodatkowe wykorzystanie nita i gumki  oraz pełna gama możliwego nadruku spełniają wszystkie oczekiwania naszych klientów dotyczące funkcjonalności przywieszek, a użycie papierów silikonowych typu „waste free” pozwala nie tylko zwiększyć ich walory użytkowe,  ale rozwiązuje też problem powstawania odpadów na lotniskach.

Posiadamy w pełni zautomatyzowaną linię aplikującą i wiążącą sznurek / gumkę z jednoczesnym wycięciem otworu i opcjonalnym umieszczeniem w nim nitu.